Everyone respects Ukraine in USA

Sergeant of Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Morozov has recently been in USA. Veteran told that he was very impressed how people on Washington’s street react to Ukrainian soldiers.  “I am Ukrainian serviceman from 2011. I fought against russian invaders in Donbass during 2014-2015. A fter demobilizaton I learn fundamental of business and created two […]

America welcomed our veterans with blue-yellow flags and flowers!

The working visit of the delegation of the Ukrainian Veterans Foundation to the USA is continuing, and we are talking about our meetings and the people with whom we had the opportunity to communicate about the future of our veterans and plan joint work. On October 19, the US NGO Atlantic Council organized a closed […]

The USA is hosting our team hospitably and happily

The USA is hosting our team hospitably and happily, and our delegation never gets tired of thanking the American people for their support and assistance to Ukraine in the struggle. Our tireless Executive Director Natalia Ricabal Kalmykova, Head of Veterans Council Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine and active service Volodymyr Laguta, veteran of the […]

Days in the USA are extremely busy

“Right now is the time, despite the fact that the war is ongoing and the future is unknown, to help Ukraine create the conditions for building a foundation that will unite veterans and families of heroes to rebuild a strong nation and create a progressive Ukrainian veteran part of society…” – US Army Veteran D.j. […]